Channel: Active questions tagged ocaml - Stack Overflow
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How to process elements of an OCAML list?

I want to process the data present in file "persons.txt".But i have tried everything to process all the lines from text file.The only way i can process data is by creating the list manually.let myList...

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Pair swap elements in list using Ocaml

I am a Ocaml beginner, and am not able to understand tail recursiveness or list iteration. How can we iterate through list is 2s and swap the pairs?let rec swap = function| a :: (b :: _ as t) ->...

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Implementation of List.of_seq

If we look at the source for the OCaml List module, of_seq is defined as:let[@tail_mod_cons] rec of_seq seq = match seq () with | Seq.Nil -> [] | Seq.Cons (x1, seq) -> begin match seq () with |...

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string to list of char

I want to write a function that taking a string and return a list of char. Here is a function, but I think it is not do what I want ( I want to take a string and return a list of characters).let rec...

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Why does the last "else" not restart the recursion with the new values?

So im learning Ocaml at University and this year the code we create have some special rules : no loops or arrays(i dont know why but she almost seemed angry when a friend of mine used them at the exam...

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Narrow down a type of record with explicit field declarations

I'm facing a problem that I need to narrow down the typetype 'a poly = {field1: 'a; field2: int}I want to declare a new typetype mono = string poly = {field1: string; field2: int}But when I try to do...

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Stack overflow during compilation on large list literal in OCaml

I have a small project for checking if a number is prime. The idea is to prepare (generate) a list of primes up to a certain point for the library function to use (use a code generator for that).Whilst...

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Question about partial application in OCaml

I have a question about OCaml:Assume the following function declarations:let secret x y = let secret' x y z = x + y - z in let z = if x mod 2 = 0 then y else x - y in secret' x z ;;print_int (secret 3...

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Sorting a list of lists according to length of sublists

let rec insert cmp e = function | [] -> [e] | h :: t as l -> if cmp e h <= 0 then e :: l else h :: insert cmp e tlet rec sort cmp = function | [] -> [] | h :: t -> insert cmp h (sort cmp...

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Difficulties with Ocaml. Lists

I wrote this function which was supposed to give me the before last element of a list, but it doesn't work? Do you know why? thanks!let rec exo1= match l with |List.length l = 0 or 1 -> failwith...

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Flattening a Nested List in OCaml

I'm doing problem 7 of the OCaml exercises. It basically asks given a nested list as defined:type 'a node = | One of 'a | Many of 'a node listWrite a function function flatten that flattens it:assert (...

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Just want choose some random elements of a list and return them in OCaml

I want to choose n distinct random elements in a list l and return them in choose_elements but I have a StackOverFlow error for sufficiently large lists!I tried to use a tail_recursive function...

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Why do multiple let statements inside a while body give a compile error?

I'm learning OCaml and I'm struggling with this snippet:let found = ref falselet () = while not (Queue.is_empty q) && not !found do let next = Queue.pop q let () = found := (next.subtotal ==...

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length function without recursion ocaml

I'm trying to rewrite the List.length function without using recursion. Here's my code:(* given *)type 'a list = | [] | (::) of 'a * 'a listlet nil : 'a list = []let cons (hd : 'a) (tl : 'a list): 'a...

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Composition of function pair

I am very new to OCaml and I am currently trying to solve some exercises. While doing so I stumbled over the following problem:let compose_pair (p:(('b -> 'c) * ('a -> 'b))) : 'a -> 'c = The...

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Why the same function prints different output?

I have defined the following module to implement a matrix type:module MatrixImplementation: MatrixADT.MatrixInterface = struct type 'a matrix = {n: int; m: int; c: 'a array array};; let zeroes n m =...

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How to use let* Monad syntax for Lists

I'm playing around with OCaml's let* syntax but I can't get anything to work when working with Lists.When I try to define a (not very useful) dupe function like this:let (let*) = List.concat_maplet...

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OCaml `Map.Make` input module

I am following the example here.module IntPairs =struct type t = int * int let compare (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = match Stdlib.compare x0 x1 with | 0 -> Stdlib.compare y0 y1 | c -> cendmodule PairsMap =...

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How to sort a list of tuples using both key and value in OCaml?

I have a list of tuples like (1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c") and I want to sort them like1 a2 b3 bWhere the numerical order takes precedence first and then the alphabetical order. Like if I have(1,...

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What's wrong with my attempt to add 1 to every element in my list in Ocaml?

I don't understand the error message I'm getting or what's wrong with what I'm trying to doI just want to use List.fold_left to apply my add1 function to this list [1,2,3]My add1 function should just...

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